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The Indian craftsmanship on textiles is world known and a Kalamkari Pashmina Shawl can be said to be a true exemplification of that famous Indian artwork. The word “Kalamkari '' derived from the Persian word ‘kalam’ which means pen, and ‘kari’ which means craftsmanship. Floral motifs to human figures are depicted through hand-painting in the [...]
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Written By Rhythm

Posted on July 17, 2024 - 5 min read
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In India, we are all familiar with types of shawls. Many have heard of only a few types that are extremely famous, like Pashmina Shawl.A shawl is not just something that enhances fashion or keeps you warm but it also holds traditional, heritage and sentimental value. Indians, not only use a shawl to protect themselves […]

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Written By Ritik

Posted on June 21, 2024 - 5 min read
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When you see a Women’s Pashmina Shawl draped over shoulder, you see a walking story of elegance and strength. The shawl is the embodiment of the duality of delicacy and strength.The same characteristics or qualities of the woman who wears it. The women’s Pashmina Shawl is the symbol of softness and strength.Similar to a woman […]

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Written By Rhythm

Posted on June 10, 2024 - 5 min read
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Is an original Pashmina Shawl worth buying? Why spend thousands of rupees when there are so-called Pashmina Shawls on websites like Amazon that cost only Rs 1000?Why choose an Original Pashmina Shawl over an ordinary shawl when both will provide warmth? What difference will a gift of Pashmina Shawl make?These are the questions one may […]

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Written By Zaid

Posted on May 17, 2024 - 5 min read
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Looking for a gift that expresses Indian tradition, elegance and luxury? The Kalamkari Pashmina Shawl can satiate your search with its blend of ancient and traditional artistry and incredibly soft and warm Pashmina threads, making it a beautiful and meaningful timeless heirloom. Embrace tradition; embrace art with Kalamkari Pashmina Shawls. The motifs adorning these Kalamkari [...]
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Written By Rhythm

Posted on May 6, 2024 - 5 min read
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India is home to different types of textiles. Throughout centuries, crafts have been rooted as a culture and tradition. Maintaining originality, new types and trends have evolved like branches, in shawls and stoles in India.There are various types of shawls from different parts of the country that are trending in today’s time in India. Shawls […]

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Written By Anup Kumar

Posted on March 25, 2022 - 5 min read
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Elegant, fleecy, plush yet warm. Who doesn’t desire to own such an item of clothing in their wardrobe? The silver lining is, all of these qualities define a sole type of clothing- yes! which we all know as Pashmina.Well, everything great comes at a greater cost, isn’t it? So does PashminaThe sourceConsidered one of the […]

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Written By Anup Kumar

Posted on March 17, 2022 - 5 min read
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An heirloom means a valuable object that has belonged and has been passed down through the generations. One such example is the Changthangi goats' fleece. It is known as Pashmina and is used to make shawls for centuries. Where It All Began In the 15th century by Syed Ali Hamdani, a Persian saint had come [...]
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Written By Anup Kumar

Posted on March 17, 2022 - 5 min read
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Special occasions and people deserve exceptional gifts, don’t they? We wish to give a gift which is one of a kind so that they remember us by it- Well, what’s better than a Pashmina Shawl!Found nowhere elseChangthangi goats only source that gave birth to such a great fabric. We can find them only in the […]

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Written By Anup Kumar

Posted on March 17, 2022 - 5 min read
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Nothing beats the authenticity of something age-old. Be it a recipe, a tradition, or the process of making a Pashmina shawl. The quality that a legacy provides is indescribable.The process of making a Pashmina Shawl is one such legacy.The Pashmina providersConsidered one of the finest craftsmanship in the world, Pashmina is a kind of fabric, […]

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Written By Anup Kumar

Posted on March 17, 2022 - 5 min read
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